
Tips To Store Gluten-Free Products For Longer

storing gluten free products for longer

Maintaining the quality of gluten-free products is essential, especially in hot and humid climates. Proper storage methods help keep food products like dry cake mixes, granola, and breadcrumbs fresh for longer periods. In this blog, we’ll explore the best ways to store these products to keep them fresh and delicious for your next baking session.

 Storing Gluten-Free Cake Mixes

treat me gluten free cardamom and saffron cake cake mix

 Best Methods for Storing Cake Mixes

When storing gluten-free cake mixes, it’s crucial to keep them in a cool, dry place. Here are some tips:

  1. Airtight Containers: Transfer the cake mix from its original packaging to an airtight container. This prevents moisture from seeping in and causing clumping or spoilage. If you use our cake mixes, keep them sealed until ready to use.
  1. Cool and Dry Areas: Store the containers in a pantry or refrigerator away from direct sunlight and heat sources. The ideal temperature is between 15-25°C.

 Avoiding Common Storage Mistakes

  1. Avoid Refrigeration: Storing cake mixes in the refrigerator can introduce moisture, leading to spoilage. However, with our mixes, you can store them in the fridge as they are heat-sealed.
  1. Keep Away from Strong Odors: Cake mixes can absorb strong odors from other foods, so keep them away from spices or garlic.

 Preserving the Crunch: Storing Gluten-Free Granola

treat me gluten free granola vegan organic

 Ideal Storage Conditions for Granola

Granola requires specific storage conditions to maintain its crunch and flavor:

  1. Airtight Containers: Just like cake mixes, granola should be stored in airtight containers to keep out moisture and air.
  1. Cool and Dark Place: Store granola in a cool, dark place. A pantry or cupboard is ideal. Avoid storing it near the stove or oven where temperatures can fluctuate. You can also store it in the fridge, especially if it won’t be consumed quickly.
  1. Freezing for Longer Freshness: If you buy granola in bulk, consider freezing it in portioned bags. Granola can last up to six months in the freezer without losing its crunch.

 Tips for Keeping Granola Fresh

  1. Use Within a Month: For the best flavor and texture, try to consume granola within a month of opening.
  1. Avoid Humidity: High humidity can make granola soggy. Ensure the storage area is dry and humidity-free.

 Keeping Gluten-Free Breadcrumbs Fresh for Longer

treat me gluten free breadcrumbs

 Optimal Storage Methods for Breadcrumbs

Gluten-free breadcrumbs need proper storage to maintain their texture and flavor:

  1. Airtight Containers: Store breadcrumbs in airtight containers to protect them from moisture and air. You can keep them in our packaging with the moisture-absorbing packet provided to maintain freshness.
  1. Cool and Dry Place: Keep the containers in a cool, dry place. A pantry or refrigerator away from heat sources is best.
  1. Freezing for Long-Term Storage: Breadcrumbs can be stored in the freezer if not used frequently. They can last up to six months in the freezer.

 Avoiding Breadcrumb Spoilage

  1. Keep Away from Heat and Light: Heat and light can degrade the quality of breadcrumbs.
  1. Use a Dry Spoon: When using breadcrumbs, always use a dry spoon to prevent introducing moisture into the container.

Proper storage of gluten-free products is essential to maintaining their quality and ensuring they last as long as possible. By following these storage tips, you can enjoy the full flavor of your products. Whether you are in a hot or more temperate climate, proper storage is key to enjoying your favorite gluten-free products.

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