
New to the gluten free diet?

“New to the gluten-free diet?”- Here’s what you need to know.

You must have heard about the gluten-free diet, which is gaining popularity daily, and have come across people starting their gluten-free journey. May is known as Celiac Awareness Month, where awareness is shared across the globe to help people know more about the diet and the reasons behind following it. This trend has spread worldwide, including in the United Arab Emirates, due to health reasons such as Celiac disease or for a healthier option.

Many people believe that this is the healthier way to live now by avoiding food containing gluten.

Suppose you’re also looking to start a gluten-free diet. In that case, we’re here to help you and share what you need to know about Gluten and tips for a gluten-free diet for beginners.


What is Gluten?

To give you brief information before beginning your gluten-free journey, Gluten is a protein family consisting of gliadin protein involved in the adverse health effects leading to diarrhea and other problems. It is present in grains such as wheat, and as people in the UAE consume wheat daily, they can face such problems.

To know more about what it is Gluten, read our blog HERE

Food that contains Gluten:

Let’s look at different types of food containing Gluten. Most bakery items such as bread, pasta, cakes, pies, cereals, candies, cookies, French fries, and malt products are some of the items that contain Gluten. Seems a lot, right? These are items that you should keep away from yourself when starting your gluten-free journey. . Gluten is also used in medications, toiletries, and beauty products. Check our video HERE.

To check whether a product has Gluten, read the labels. If you’re not sure, or if it’s not mentioned, we advise you to contact the manufacturer. They’re always happy to clarify the confusion. Supermarkets now in the UAE have a dedicated section for gluten-free products.

Is a gluten-free diet better for your health?

It depends upon the gluten sensitivity of your body. People with celiac disease, or in simpler words, those who cannot consume food that contains gluten, such as those who are Gluten intolerant or have a wheat allergy, feel severe symptoms. They must choose a gluten-free diet to improve the quality of their life.

Yet, you must always read the labels and choose healthy gluten-free options. Manufactures increase the amount of fat and sugar in gluten-free products to mimic the texture of food that contains Gluten.

However, when you start a gluten-free journey, you consume less processed food, which is beneficial for your health and gives your body the right energy for the hot weather of the UAE.

Who should follow a gluten-free diet?

There is a specific set of people who should follow a gluten-free diet. As mentioned above, people who have celiac disease or wheat allergy should avoid consuming gluten-containing food.

If you have celiac disease, eating gluten triggers an immune response in your small intestine. Over time, this reaction damages your small intestine’s lining and prevents it from absorbing some nutrients (malabsorption). The intestinal damage often causes diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, bloating, and anemia, leading to severe complications.

A child or adult with wheat allergy is likely to develop signs and symptoms within minutes to hours after eating something containing wheat. Wheat allergy signs and symptoms include swelling, itching, irritation of the mouth or throat, hives, itchy rash, swelling of the skin, or nasal congestion.

Gluten intolerance is a fairly common concern when it comes to gluten intolerance. Many symptoms of Gluten Intolerance could be misdiagnosed with Peptic Ulcer, IBS, and other digestive issues. The only way to be sure is to go on an elimination diet for a few months and feel the results. Especially since no test confirms/denies if someone is gluten intolerant.

If you want to make sure that you are suffering from these problems due to a disease, it’s better to get a test for gluten sensitivity. This test is available in the UAE, and you can start your gluten-free journey to have better health.

How to start your gluten-free journey?

The first step is to get a test done to see if your body is Gluten sensitive. (read here for the tests and other medical procedures)

This doesn’t mean that you should not start a gluten-free journey even if you are perfectly fine. Eating healthy will obviously affect your body overall.

If you’re a beginner and are just starting this gluten-free diet, follow the tips given below.

Tips for a gluten-free diet for beginners:

People who have little knowledge about the gluten-free diet and the foods to consume when starting this journey often make mistakes. To avoid those, these guidelines should be followed:

  • Always read food labels and ingredients when you visit a store to buy food items. Most supermarkets and online shops have a dedicated section for gluten-free products.
  • Replace your favorite food containing Gluten with a gluten-free replacement (flours, bread, snacks, etc.).
  • Consult a dietitian to guide you in your gluten-free journey.
  • Try to eat foods in their natural and whole forms, such as fish and meat, veggies, fruits, and legumes.
  • You can join the gluten-diet following community in the UAE. With combined efforts, you would be able to achieve better health results.
  • Separate your gluten-free products from the food containing Gluten, as there is always a chance of cross-contamination when both types are present in the same place
  • Before eating out, contact the restaurant/café and ask whether they offer gluten-free dishes.
  • Learn information through our blog about different topics related to the gluten-free diet.
  • Eat fruits that help with digestion and bowel movements.
  • Follow YouTube channels or blogs to learn how to create your gluten-free dishes at home.

If these tips are followed by beginners starting a gluten-free journey, the results will benefit your body.

Gluten-free food that you can eat and enjoy:

 To move on to a gluten-free diet, you need to replace gluten-containing foods with ones that do not have them. Some foods that you can try while being on a gluten-free diet are:

  • Dairy products such as cheese, butter, milk, etc., or vegan substitutes.
  • Rice noodles/pasta or that is made from legumes like lentils
  • Rice
  • Quinoa
  • Legumes
  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Nuts
  • Eggs

Just be sure to read the labels to be on the safer side to prevent gluten contamination.


This blog sums up all the information and tips needed for beginners starting their gluten-free journey. Managing a gluten-free diet is easy if you follow these guidelines and stay updated.

A gluten-free diet has many benefits for your body, and people living in the UAE can work together to create an environment where everyone going on a gluten-free diet can work together and help in reaching a healthier lifestyle.

We at Treat Me Gluten Free will provide you with all the information needed regarding a gluten-free diet. We can offer you great products that can be delivered within the UAE or across the world.

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